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Mauritius Hash Trash 543

10-05-2009 Bassin Jean and Harry Marie-Jo #543

Today’s trail
Complete with cows and countryside charms!

Run 543 ~ CIRCLE Cowering
Our brew masters today were Thomas & Kevisen.

GM Alan had some news about Martin after his operation – he is in for a steady recovery and ready for lots of beer and would welcome the occasional feeding of grapes and waving of palm leaves.

Jean and family ……They were short of flour and according to GM Alan there was a shortage of direction circles too – but no-one got lost (I think?) and all in all they scored 11.453% on the Rosemarie Scale!

1 timer
Bill (Psycho Pants) from the Kent HHH (Friends of the Mole)
Chantal and son Louis (Mauritius)
Alan (USA)
Alix & Roger (Mauritius)
Lilette (Mauritius)
Maureen (From somewhere???Anywhere?)
Yvonne (Snake Charmer) from the Cape Town Hash

2 timer
Thierry (Mauritius)
Martin, Angela and Lisa (Germany)
Claire (UK/Mauritius)

RA Alistair appeared in full rock gear and charmed us with his french accent.
The RA called in his A-Team: Dodocop and Inspector David – for a quick group hug, if he hoped they would always get him out of trouble I think he would be in for some mismanaged surprises!


Last week the RA was happy to see some old sinners …but this week he was pleased to introduce some brand new sinners to his list of punishments!

1 ~ normally there are no rules on the hash…except for certain decorum when crossing any kind of WATER. But today there was a LACK OF DECORUM while we were crossing a river… EVERT (Mr. Tuna) tried to throw a stepping stone into a big stream to help out and it SANK! (glug glug glug) On the other anti-decorum extreme we had ROGER , the misbehaving first timer, who refused to help the ladies across the water! So they both had to down it for being cruel and kind!

2 ~ EVERT (Mr. Tuna) got called back because someone whispered in the RA‘s ear that he was on TV during the week … He got his second down-down because he didn’t mention the HASH!!!

3 ~ Today we had a visitor who ran the hash (about 6 kilometres) after she also did the ROYAL RAID yesterday – YVONNE (Snake Charmer from the Cape Town HHH). The RA was curious about how she got her name…we never found out because GM Alan censored the answer and steered the conversation into a less slithery direction. Nevertheless, she had to pay for running too much!

4 ~ BILL (Psycho Pants from the Kent HHH) told the RA about their different kinds of punishments: Minor maiming, Medium maiming, Severe maiming and Crucifixion! Kent runs normally lead to strange footpaths, with cold and dark weather conditions, and they always HATE the HARE and want to kill him – but to date they have never carried out a crucifixion…they always run from pub to pub and the beer is always nice.
He had to get a downy for being such a show off!

The GM took the floor again and invited the

CLAUDE forgot his chains and balls – GM Alan was appalled and enquired in the circle what sort of punishment we thought Claude deserved?
He had to kneel in the circle and show off the plasters on his legs and got a HUGE down-down for being so calm and collected for a change!

Our next hares are EVERT & ELLEN; it will be at Domaine SAM in Moka.
It promises to be a pretty boring run with no nasty angles for the front runners and no reason why anybody should want to maim the hares!!!!
As usual you are required to believe everything written in the trash columns……if you want to avoid a down-down!

Many thanks to Marie-Jo for the food – it was yum!

Come along
Listen to the

But right now
I have to run…
No time to spare!

Zan – Your Edit Hare

The Hash Mish-Management Team
Supreme Being:Alan “Strong On”
Hare Line + Trailmasters:Gilbert “Dodocop”; Tel: (M)910 4062
Deputy: Alan “Strong on”; Tel: (H)675 0365, (M)790 9782
Cellarmaster:Chris & Tess (beer-a-dor/labrador) & Deputy Bob
Hash Horn:Blob “Supremous Blobus”
Religious and Sex Advisor:Alistair
Ice Man:Dave H.
Ha$h Ca$h:Henriette
Drinks for Wimps ‘n Kids:Harold
Hash Market:Marie-Claude
Edit Hare:Zandré,
Stand-in: Adrienne (or anyone who can write)
Kitchen Mistress:Marie Jo (Tel. 453 9675) & Sarah as gourmet deputy

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