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Hash House Harriers Mauritius

If you’ve half a mind to Hash … that’s all it takes!

Do you feel like joining us for a run (walk) every second Sunday in Paradise at 10 am?

Anyone can join in and run, jog, or walk with the Mauritius Hash.

You’ve never been to a Hash? And want to know how it works… ON ON.

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Only 350RS! Get yours at the Hash!

If you are not lucky enough to live in Mauritius, there are Hashs all around the World. Here are 2 indicators to help you find one close to you:

“The World Harrier Organization is a state of mind – a friendship of kindred spirits joined together for a bit of hounds and hares sport, reliving their childhood or youth, releasing the tensions of everyday life, and generally acting a fool amongst others who will not judge you or measure you by anything more than your sense of humor.”

World Harrier Organization

Sunset Hash

If you feel that you could be a ‘Sunset Hasher’ or a Hasher in your ‘Sunset years’, come along and try it out. It will surely do you some good !
We meet about once per month on Saturdays at 16:00, walk (or even run !!) for an hour or a little more to work up a thirst, have a beer or a ‘grog’ together and then go to a small restaurant for a meal together. All this at sunset, in Mauritius. How does that sound? You can bring a 6-pack of your favourite refreshment to add to the ‘harmony’ of the occasion!

Sports Info

If you are interested in other sporting activities in Mauritius, go to:

1. Visit the Global Hash Site, or
2. Use the Hash in Africa guide specially made by our wonderful, wandering hasher, Rey.