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Hash House Harriers Mauritius

Join the Mauritius Hash for a fun-filled run, jog, or walk—everyone is welcome!

You’ve never been to a Hash? And want to know how it works… ON ON.

If you are not lucky enough to live in Mauritius, there are Hashs all around the World.

Here are 2 indicators to help you find one close to you:

1. Visit the Global Hash Site, or
2. Use the Hash in Africa guide specially made by our wonderful, wandering hasher, Rey.

Other Adventures: Walks, Runs, and Gatherings

Sunset Hash

It happens very rarely now, but we’re keeping it for the record in case it starts up again. If you think you could be a ‘Sunset Hasher,’ give it a try—it’s sure to do you some good!

When we meet, it’s usually on a Saturday at 4 PM. We walk (or even run!) for about an hour, enjoy a drink, and sometimes head to a restaurant for a meal—all at sunset, in Mauritius. Feel free to bring a 6-pack of your favorite drink to add to the fun!

If you are interested in other sporting activities in Mauritius, go to: