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Mauritius Hash Trash 519

01-06-2008 Pt au Sables Patty, Harry, Jean Patty #519

Bubble Bubbly Blue Have I Got
Lots Of Blather To Share With You!!!

519 challenges…

What can I say…another wet and slippery day!

We were very lucky though, even if the cloudy skies warned of a wet hash, it turned out to be a SUPER DUPER DAY and we had a whale of a time.

Back at the Circ Hashle!

Our one & only Supremous Blobus the Grandiosus Maximus has passed the GM-Torch to Alan the Incredible – Trailmaster and master of all trails or is that tales???
Alan didn’t want a nasty horny hash circle today thus showed up in his Panama Hat from Ecuador, how polite!

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He wanted to share some hash hierarchy heresies with us…
How the GM should set standards…ooh la la I say the Englishman what!
Claude already had the “talking” bottle on his head placed there appropriately by Leslie who got a thump on the head by Marie-Claude, hey oh, can’t take these hashers anywhere!

Alan proposed that we change the Hash Hierarchy on every 25th run, this means roughly every year the hash mishmanagement will regroup either with the same misfits or with new recruits!
Hmmm, this is getting quite interesting, especially the mention of a HASH BASH on this yearly milestone.
The GM also proposed that the past GM’s and RA’s be “JOINT MASTERS”, this means…according to the illuminating words from Scotland …aka Captain Nemo …that in absentia of any one of the leading masters any previous GM or RAcould take the stage – stardust & lightsavers – may the force be with you all Masters of the HASH MISH MASH!

Watch this spot for the next HASH PARTY folks! The milestone is coming up at Run 225!

A very big round of applause to the hares who digitally scored 12.732 on Rosemarie’s scale of 13, well done! It was a swish hash and triple thanks to Patty for her garden and home plus handling the Hash Kitchen as well – you go girl!!!

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1 timer

Eileen (Mauritius)
Ved & Sushrut (India)
Jacques (Mauritius)

2 timer

Nila (Mauritius)

Peter our chance RA of the day couldn’t wait to translate what Jacques wanted to say, from French to English his whole introduction fell to bits and it ended up that he was a male escort inviting all the needing ladies for some kinky appointments whoopee doo!
Trust the RA to explain it in perfect Franglais!

Uh Hum
Our Polite Panama GM handed over the unsuspecting circle to none other than our eccentric RA who made his second entrance …again.
Peter waltzed into the circle with yet another masterpiece from his Poetic Gems Travelling Suitcase.

The Warthog – Part XXII

Ode to Point aux Sables from Patti’s Garden & Some Pondering on Exercise & Weight Loss

Oh Point aux Sables.
A place for the bard,
To recite his prose,
In Patti’s back yard.

And so to lose mass,
We run the Hash.

But it’s on the cards,
That, we ‘tubs of lard’,
Will not get fatter,
If we run backward.

Ah – Soles!!!
Peter wanted to complain about the mud on the bottom of his shoes but who was quick enough to catch the double meaning of that outcry!!!?

Our RA’s second outcry…Sexism on the Hash!

How outrageous, how terrible, this grand matter of GM

What about a GRAND MISTRESS?

This translates into the hash mind as GRAND MATTRESS and finally MATRICIDE, so much for this feminist idea!

Now…the moment we have been anticipating for a whole 2 weeks (uh?)

Just because the RA was forced at gunpoint or rolling pin! …by your edit hare to go to the Zucchero Concerto Italiano last night…he wanted to start his list of double d’s with this Mafioso afterthought but he got no reaction so there you go, on with the list of naughty hashers!

1 ~ Marie-Claire & Eileen …wfor wearing their cowboy hats…hee haa for the cowgirls!!!
I am happy to see that everyone takes the Hash Beauty Tips to the HAIR…and our RA mentioned that not only is beer good for the hair…it also makes other parts of the anatomy grow! Say What??? Not to mention that beer is also good for the hares!

2 ~ Someone stole a fruit! The RA fell off the trail again and said something about a pommy granite being an English rock hee hee hee hoo hoo. Oh swizzle swozzle, where was I? PATRICIA …with her stolen pomegranate! We all wondered if she wanted to start a fruit & veg stall or a pomegranate hatchery…she took her down-down with style and tossed her hair with flair just like in an advert for hash hair!!!

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Peter wanted to point out the lonely soul of the week, the lost little fart who ran away from the fox like a little lost lamb…

3 ~ Alan! The GM / Trailmaster / lonely buggerwho always manages to run away from the rest and who attracts a down-down like a hasher to a beer! Well said and well done me lad!

Now that we have GM Alan the Mad Ecuadorian Panama Hatter in the circle we waved goodbye to the RA but couldn’t quite replace him with the popular SMELLY BLOOOOOOO because our dear Beer Bearer Chris forgot to bring Smelly along, but seeing we were on a double edged sword choice between Smelly Blue and Beer, all is forgiven and hopefully Chris will remember to bring it next time.

Some gossip from the Peanut Gallery.
Organised Chaos.
Who will be cooking next time???
Haberdashery Mishmanagement!
Too many hashers without hash gear!!!
We are hinting for a Hashion Show again!
We want to know the difference between a dog’s leash and Claude’s leash, ladies, is it the colour or is it the discipline? Please refer to Marie Jo for all queries about how to keep your hubby on a short colourful leash just like Claude’s.


Hey you favourite people!
I’m leaving on a jet plane!
I know when I’ll be back again!!!!

Run 522 dippity do.
So I will miss you
Lots and lots
For run 520 and 521
Be sure to have loads of fun!

ON ON…over and run!!!

Big hugs and kisses
Magical Hashy Wishes

Zan ~ Your Edit Hare

PS ~ take a sneak peak into your pre-album trash adventure pics!

*David – Master Ice Crusher

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*Jean Super Hare

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*Best Scenery trio

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*Exclusive pic of our very own “No Evil Triplets”
Skilfully demonstrated by Jacques, Jean & Marie Andre’

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Love ya!!!

The Hash Mish-Management Team
Supreme Being:BLOB who is a multitasker and still blowing his HORN
Hare Line + Trailmasters:Alan “Strong on”; Tel: (H)675 0365, (M)790 9782
Deputy: Gilbert “Dodocop”; Tel: (M)910 4062
Cellarmaster:Jackie and Bob (J&B)
Hash Horn:Robert “Blob”
Religious and Sex Advisor:Peter “Malignant Growth” and we are still looking for another volunteer for the times when Peter is somewhere else on the planet downing someone else’s beers!
Ice Man:Dave H.
Ha$h Ca$h:Henriette
Drinks for Wimps ‘n Kids:Jean and Philidia
Hash Market:Marie-Claude”
Edit Hare:Zandré,
Stand-in: Adrienne (or anyone who can write)
Kitchen Mistress:Marie Jo (Tel. 453 9675)

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