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Hash Trash 296 Mauritius

12-09-1999 Sorez Old Moka Road Mirielle / Etienne Brehain / J & B #296

SUPREME RAMBLES Welcome all the new Hashers…!!

It was very nice to see the large turnout of regular Hashers RAMBLING ON Due to popular demand the “Camping Hash” has changed venue… We will not be going to Ile de la Passe… but staying on the mainland… The new venue is now “LE MORNE” at the back of the BERJAYA HOTEL … DIRECTIONS : Go to the entrance of the Berjaya Hotel and follow the Hash Signs… The date is the week-end of the 10th October… There will be a normal Hash run on the Sunday morning… People will be Camping as from the Friday evening, through to Sunday… THERE IS A NICE BEACH & SOME GOOD SNORKELLING…!! So take swim wear… I have a Reminder List of stuff to take on a camp if anyone wants one… I will take some to the next Hash. If there are enough people interested in a camping week-end on one of the offshore Islands, please let me know and I will arrange it… RAMBLING ON ON A very good Hash… PUFF…!! PUFF…!! Very well set by hardened Hashers… although some of us found it a bit long and HOT…!! The
false run to the first “BACK CHECK” killed me…!! LOTS OF GREAT FOOOOD…!! Well done the “HARES” and the “COOKS” thanks for volunteering…??!!
Anyone setting three Hashes from now on will get a FREE “HASH HARE” T-Shirt…!! (yes this is a BRIBE)…!! RAMBLING TO AN END BLAH..Blah… BLah… blah… and a… BLAH… Blag, blag, blag… See you at the next one.



First Hash

Welcome to all the First Timers –

Denis Francois (interpreted by Supremous Blobus); from Sweden, Kicki (Anders other half); Rachel; Robert Kupisz (much merriment greeted his announcement that he is here to work on the privatisation of Telecom); 100% Mauritian (!!??) Danielle; and Ian, holidaying from Brussels. See you all at the next one.

Second Hash

Good to see those First Timers coming back – Anders ‘Mammouth’ Carlberg; Jim ‘Piss Head’ Featherstone; Jhotee, in the same t-shirt, ‘Snapper’ whose effect on Supremous Blobus was to have him throw BEER on the GROUND; the lost two from the last Hash, Keith ‘Lost Cause’ and Alison, who did try hiding, ‘Compass’ Thompson.

Religious Advisor

A little puzzle for us to figure out – there is a prize apparently. Answers to Edit Hare please. R.A. has instigated a new award! This week it went to Supremous Blobus for showing too much pride in his new TATA.

Happy Hashers Award

From newest-newly-weds, Alexandra and Anand to fairly recent newly-weds, Juliette and Dave.

Children’s Award

Seems young Thomas is a bit attached to the green guy. Perhaps we need a new Award?

Fashion Award

Usually this is given to a Hasher for wearing colourful or outrageous attire. F.A. decided a change was needed and awarded it to Supremous Blobus for always wearing the same shorts!!!

Smelly Blue T-Shirt

One thing Alan Renton now knows, is if you are trying to hide a back-check, don’t get caught! He was and he did, by the wearer of the Smelly Blue Jim ‘Piss Head’ who appropriately awarded him the much sought after, Smelly Blue.

Gay Singles

Fluffy bunny with a sore bum went from Mandy to Ben.

Special Down Downs

No better way to thank our Hares The Russells and The Brehains for setting such a great Hash.

Edit Hare was called in to the circle for letting the little known fact of Hans Van Lit’s long lost son Frank known to everyone.

Hash Business

Thank you for all that great food Sylvia and all your helpers.

Next Hash

#297, 26 Sept, 1000 hrs – Supreme Cupid

Directions: From the South go towards Grand Baie, But at the round about: Fond du Sac, Grand baie, Cottage and Goodlands – take Goodlands turnoff. At the ‘T’ – junction: Goodlands – Right and Cap Malheureux – Left, go left to Cap Malheureux. A bit further on – about 50m – the very next road marked Cap Malheureux turn RIGHT. Carry on to the next ‘T’ junction. At the ‘T’ junction marked Cap Malheureux and Grande Gaube, turn right to Grand Gaube. Carry on, going past the shop called Basing Rise Supermarket. After you have gone past the little bay on your left, start looking for Hash signs directing you to a public beach. Make it a fun day out and bring swimmers, hats, sun block and WATER!!! See you there!!

A note from Supreme Cupid

It has come to my attention that Hashers who are bringing dogs are letting them run free. This I do not mind, but there are times that they should be controlled, ie. by being on a leash. Hashers, lets keep the Hash a place where all Hashers can have fun.

Hare Line

Hash #298, 10 October – Camping Hash

Hash #299, 22-24 Oct – Rodrigues

Hash #300, 07 Nov – ?????

Food Line

Hash #297, 26 Sept – Supreme Cupid

Diary Dates

Camping Hash – 10 October

Rodrigues Hash 22 – 24 October

Reunion Island Hash 19 – 21 November

Hash #300 will be on 07 November

Super New Year Hash Bash – 31 Dec

Reunion Island Hash

All happy Hashers wanting to go, complete the form and return it to Curly Top ASAP.

Hash Market

Don’t forget to bring some Rs with you to purchase the water bottle cooler and T-Shirt.

Charity Walk

On Sunday, 3 October the Corona Society is holding a charity walk and lunch from the HSBC Wayfoong Beachhouse in Grand Bay. The walk will be led by our own Supreme Cupid followed by lunch, beer, wine, music and a big prize raffle. All proceeds go towards a new school building for the mentally handicapped in Black River. Tickets for Rs400 for adult and Rs200 for children from Zoe Richardson 6860215 or Lily Benoit 6962499.

You Name It

Introducing Rosemarie and Jacques Domaingue’s new venture – they produce embroidered name tapes for school uniforms, business uniforms, etc., and also offer a monogramming service in a wide variety of fonts for your personal and household linen. Company logos and titles, as well as personal names can be reproduced by them, and embroidered onto shirts, T-shirts, polos, towels etc. Kiddies T-shirts with embroidered designs and names are another favourite. A great idea for advertising purposes, and personalised presents. Orders now being taken for Christmas and the New Year. Phone or fax them on 696 3994 or e-mail at for further details.

Personality Profiles!!!!????

Jim ‘Piss Head’ Featherstone

Born in Somerset, England during the war, I am described by my two daughters as an over active wrinkley. I am single, (widower) and from a military family, I retired from the Regular Army in 1964 and the Territorial Army in 1995 and am now just two years away from an honourable retirement from my real job as a Project Manager in the building industry.

My interests are keeping fit, drink, military history, flying my microlight aeroplane and women, but not necessarily in that order.

In Mauritius for one year to supervise the building of a new Tuna canning factory at Riche Terre for Princes Tuna. ON. ON. PISS HEAD
Alan ‘Knit’ Renton

This is my first ever attempt at a personality profile because so many people have told me that I don’t have one. So here goes;

I was born in a town called Hawick which is 50 miles south of Edinburgh. I am 32 years of age although I have the mental age of half that number. I am mad about rugby having played it for over 20 years but alas had to give it up when I came to Mauritius. I am known back home for having a reasonable sense of humour and a party animal, enjoying life to the full.

I like beer, sex, and meeting new people (not in any particular order). Indeed sex and beer have led me to meet a great deal of people.

My nickname back home was “Beastie” which had something to do with the way I played my rugby. Not because I was close to some sheep or that I was caught examining a chicken. (I was looking for eggs) HONEST!!!!! I will leave the rest to your imagination.

There have been a few important moments in my life which I will share with you.

1. Getting married to my wife Anne in May 1996.
2. Losing my virginity at the age of 15 to an older woman.
3. Getting my sex swap reversed. Hence you will never see me swimming…..
4. Leaving my friends and family to come here.
5. Watching the film Braveheart.
6. The Scottish Grand Slam in the Five Nations of 1985.
7. Going on Holiday to Ibiza club 18-30.
8. Every holiday with my friends prior to marriage.
9. My Honeymoon
10. Last but not least Joining the Hash.

The above are in no particular order except of course for number 1.

I hope this gives you an insight to the shallow and meaningless life I have lived. That is now all changing thanks to you hashers. (What a load of Bollocks I can hear you all say).


Supreme Beings: Latimer (6963815) & Kevin Murray (2835534) Trailmaster: Lord Russell Cellarmaster: Julie & John Hash Horn: Yves “BoogieWoogie” Robert Fashion Advisor: Sylvia Religious Advisor/Sex Councillor: Leslie Nimno Barbecue Bearer: David ‘Shortie’ Colbert Ice Maiden: Dagmar Neubacher Ha$h Ca$h: David ‘Shortie’ Colbert Drinks for Wimps and Kids: Julie & John Bangers and Hash: Reverse Alphabet Hash Market: Bob Tumblety Web Meister: Alan Oliphant Website: Edit-Hare: Wendy Austin (6257399) auswin@intnet.m

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