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Mauritius Hash Trash 432

23-01-2005 Pt. Aux Piments Clarence #432

Hash at Pointe aux Piment Public Beach

Good hot hash from a very nice venue – thanks Clarence and the boys.

First Timers: Olivier (aged 7), Nicolas (aged 10) and mum Christine from Reunion – will be back next time on holiday in Mauritius.

Second Timers: None!!!………the GM (Captain Nemo)got the usual punishment in the form of a down down!

RA (Tom) gave down downs to the following sinners –

Clarence for nearly forgetting about the hash and having to dash back from Madagascar in the early hours of the morning to set the hash a few hours later!

Gilbert & Sybille for arriving at the hash site and just relaxing on the beach instead of hashing!!!!!

Andy …. for being Andy?

Mike for taking everything to seriously – training up and down Trou aux Serf to get himself fit!!!

Anand – special presentation with our GM on the art of the illusion using spoons – you had to see it!

Poor Tomak – he got a down down for actually helping the GM and the RA in preparing the down downs – is there no justice!

GM called forward Claudia to present the ‘Smelly Blue’ t-shirt.

She gave it to Marie-Claude who always looks clean ‘quote’ and likes blue!

Trailmaster (Alan): Next trail for hash – Dodo Cop (Gilbert) – details soon.

Foodmaster (Sylvia): Next food for hash – Claude and Tajo Constantin.

Big thank you to Marie-Andre for the excellent food.

Stand-in Scribe Sylvia .. On, on

SPECIAL NOTE for Current Committee Members:

A hash miss-management committee meeting of all current members will take place at the GMs apartment this Saturday 5 February 15.00 for 16.00 hours. Please bring your spouse or partner. Food and drink supplied by the GM and M-C.

Phone GM/M-C on 696 9588

Alan’s Receding Hareline:
DateRun No.Hares   –   Area
6th February433Gilbert “DodoCop” , at Belle Mare
20th February434Rey “Hotpants”
6th March435Jacques + Stuart
20th March436Clarence + Eric
3rd April437David + James + Claire
Phone: Trailmaster…….Alan – 675 0365

Announcements: 1. Would hashers please note that there is a deposit (money) on glass bottles (beer, softies)! Please do not throw them away, leave them on the beach or with the rubbish (or even take them home). 2. Walks take place on most Sundays when there is no Hash. See the “Friendly walks” page for details.

Supreme Being:Leslie Nimmo
Hare Line + Trailmasters:Alan “Strong on” Grihault
Cellarmaster:Andy “The Hustler” Belfitt
Hash Horn:Robert “Blob” Latimer
Religious Adv/Sex Councillor:Tom “Decoy” Williams, deputy: Alan “Strong On” Grihault
Barbecue Bearer:Dave “Shorty” Colbert
Ice Maiden:Rey Joseph
Ha$h Ca$h:Claudia Carey
Drinks for Wimps ‘n Kids:Jean Ramiah
Hash Market:Juliette “Snow White” & David “Shorty” Colbert
Edit Hare:Tom “Decoy” Williams, Sarah, Marie-Claude, Bob etc.
Webmaster:Bob Russell ( )
Website:  OR

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