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Mauritius Hash Trash 494

03-06-2007 Piton Martin & Chaya #494

Venue:Piton / Northfields School
Hare(s):Martin & Chaya Today was an utterly stupendous & spectacular hash, from the trail which held sensational views to the after-party & the fab food, it was a total day. image494002 image494001 image494003 The expedition from Piton to the ON-IN at the school went well & no-one got lost…….suddenly we were all bitten by the back-to-school-BUG & harassed the GM by not keeping quiet in the circle, so our long-lost-RA-visiting-for-a-day John Gabrielli made sure everyone shut up – it was great to see you, John……always ready to tickle our funny bones   st Timers :
Helen & Bruno (Mru) Mark & Golda (Israel) Jaykar, Seema & their children Yash & Rutti (Mru) Charlene (Mru) nd Timers :
Eugene Laurent image494006Our RA forgot his glasses for a second so he was dubbed the “Blind religious & Sex adviser”, he wondered who has SEEN his specs but he soon rescued the situation & was back on the SCENE with his shortlist of OBSCENE misdeeds…we have to think of something image494007 to make him pay for wasting precious beer! (Something original….like make him down a beer or something … hee hee) Down-downs The Hares Martin & Chaya…were found guilty of causing an AVIAN POGROM by evicting poor little innocent defenceless birdies image494010from their nest which was drowned in hash-flour…… and Martin’s welsh cousin Hugh Rinal forgot to unlock the men’s toilets or as they are called in the dictionary… u – rinals. Dave & Juliette…gave self-admitted evidence to their crime ….they went down in flames for committing sexual acts on the hash and boasting about it!~ image494011 Dave had scratches on his knees & Juliette had ants in her pants ooh la la – say no more! John & Jennifer had no idea why, how, where & for what they were caught….for the simple reason that there was no reason! This illustrates yet again that hashers never need any reason to down a beer! But nevertheless they were accused of being Alliterative criminals – arriving first & last at the same time…uh? Thus having the Alfa & Omega syndrome…..and for being two goodie-two-shoes and too righteous for our liking! Yours Truly decided to confide in the GM about Peter’s transgressions……for our engagement anniversary today he promised to take me out to lunch & brought me to the hash instead…….so we both got a DD, image494012Peter for thinking he could get away with a cheap date & me for telling on him! Chaya got lucky! She got hers on her knees for being BORN……..goodness gracious hashers, what will they think of next, any excuse for a pint! image494013 Happy Birthday, Chaya – what better company could you have chosen to spend your special day with, we all love a party. image494014Compliments to Evert & Ellen for the great tuna barbecue, as well as to all the cooks for the salad & chicken, the menu was a surf & turf symphony & we even had birthday cake… YUMMY was absolutely finger-licking-delicious. Our next hares are Harold & Adrienne……they will lead us to a mystery location yet undisclosed…… watch this space….. in store for you. Your edit hare Zanimage494025PS His Excellency our Supremus GM’s new LOUD Philosophy = (see image top) image494026 The Hash Mish-Management Team Supreme Being: BLOB who is a multitasker & will still be blowing the HASH HORN Hare Line + Trailmasters: Alan “Strong on” Grihault; Tel: (H)675 0365, (M)790 9782
Deputy: Gilbert “Dodocop” Leste; Tel: (M)910 4062 Cellarmaster & Barbecue Bearer: DAVE “Shorty” COLBERT Hash Horn: Robert “Blob” Latimer Religious and Sex Advisor: Peter Wallwin (Malignant Growth) & we are still looking for another volunteer for the times when Peter is somewhere else on the planet downing someone else’s beers! Ice Maiden: Dave Ha$h Ca$h: Henriette Decotter Drinks for Wimps ‘n Kids: Jean and Philidia Ramiah Hash Market: Marie-André Bullé Edit Hare: Zandre’ Wallwin ,
Stand-in:Adrienne (or anyone who can write) Webmasters: Rey Joseph and / or
Bob Russell ( Kitchen Mistress: Marie Jo Constantin (Tel. 453 9675)
Receding Hareline
Trailmaster – Alan
Advancing Foodline
Kitchen Mistress – Marie Jo
DateRun No.HaresOn-OnCooks
17th June495Harold and Adrienne 
1st July496Jean and Harry 
15th July497Rosemarie and Jacques 
29th July498Dodocop and AlanReduit
12th Aug499Gilbert Dodocop 
25th (Sat) Aug500BlobLa Cambuse Camp

1. There is an alternative “Sunset Hash” once every 4 weeks (arranged not to coincide with this Hash). Held at 4pm on Saturdays.

2. Would hashers please note that there is a deposit ( money ! ) on glass bottles (beer, softies). Please put them in the crates,
do not leave them on the beach, with the rubbish or take them home !

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