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Mauritius Hash Trash 466

14-05-2006 Albion Phare Anne-lise And Phil #466

Venue::Albion Phare     

Hare(s):Anne-Lise and Phil

First Timers:Adrienne & Harold Mcveay and children
Second Timer:Ian Taylor
Alain Bax
Sophie Adam and Children
Jean Luc Douady

Our grand Master Martin thanked Anne-Lise and Phil for the good hash, unfortunately they could not stay as they had to go diving later. The site they chose was beautiful; it overlooked the cliffs of Albion and we spent an excellent afternoon after the circle.

Our G.M once more thanked the hashers who helped him to organise the last hash at Northfields when he was responsible of setting the trail and doing the food as well.
( By the way, we still need volunteers for the food. Just a few are helping and it is most unfair )
Martin welcomed the new comers and rewarded the second timers with the usual down-down. Our R.A, John the Baptist punished the Grand Master for not bringing the mugs and the table…

John, our pastor is proud of some members of his flock. Four hashers present deserved a gold medal, they surpassed themselves during the Royal Raid ( 35kms ) held on the 29th of April…The Nominees anointed were: Marie-Andree, Veronique, Pierre-Andre and Rey. We must not forget Bob and Jackie Russell who 2 weeks before had “Chikunguya” but participate to the Raid. 3 Cheers for Jackie who came first in the category “women veteran” and congratulations to all.

Leslie and Alan are setting the next hash at Hermitage. Your edit-hare and Sylvia will be doing the food.

Your edit hare

littlejoe  Coming next …

                          Receding Hareline                Advancing Foodline  

Date         Run No.      Hares                            Cooks    

28th May     467          Leslie and Alan - Hermitage     Henriette & Sylvia

11th June    468   

25th June    469          Barry and Jean - Beau Songes   

9th July     470   

23rd July    471   

6th August   472          Rob and Dave  

                          Trailmaster…….Alan (Tel. 675 0365 (H) or 790 9782 (M)

                          Deputy Trail Master…Dodocop 910 4062 (M) 

                          Kitchen Mistress ……. Claudia (Tel. 261 6327) 



1. There is an alternative “Sunset Hash” once every 4 weeks (arranged not to coincide with this Hash). Held at 4pm on Saturdays.

2. Would hashers please note that there is a deposit ( money ! ) on glass bottles (beer, softies). Please put them in the crates, do not leave them on the beach or with the rubbish (or even take them home).


Supreme Being: Martin Webb

Hare Line + Trailmaster: Alan "Strong on" Grihault 

Cellarmaster: Rob Swingler 

Hash Horn: Robert "Blob" Latimer 

Religious Advisor and    Sex Councillors: "John the Baptist" Cabrielli 

Barbecue Bearer: Dave "Shorty" Colbert 

Ice Maiden: Barry Bently 

Ha$h Ca$h: Edwina Swingler 

Drinks for Wimps 'n Kids: Philidia Ramiah 

Hash Market: Marie-Andrée 

Edit Hare: Henriette Decotter 

Stand-in: Marie-Claude or anyone who can write 

Web updating: "Hot pants" Rey  

Web page design : Bob Russell ( ) 

Website:  OR 

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