Mauritius Hash Trash 350
18-11-2001 Nr Mount La Selle Midlands Etienne / Gilbert F. #350
Run in Midlands at the foot of Mountaine La Selle. Hares Etienne and Gilbert. About 58 present.
As promised, there were lots and lots of nasty, biting flies, especially on the way up the mountain. They served to keep us all moving because if you stopped, they attacked in huge numbers!
The run was very good (voted 10/10) with a selection of fields and mountains and slopes and hills and more mountains and more hills and ……. The only features missing were muddy river crossings and rubbish dumps. Otherwise a perfect Hash.
The views from the top were superb, covering both the Midlands area and the South-East coastal region on the other side.
There was a walkers/womens/wimps trail which was a little shorter and led straight to the beer stop. The first “runners” were dismayed to find the beer already in short supply when they arrived puffing and panting!
Though the run was in a “chassé”, we didn’t see any deer. They were more sensible that us and were shading themselves under the trees.
The ‘circle’ finnished with a discreete rendition of our ‘hymn’ by a choir composed of GM, “Snow White”, “Strong on” and “Shorty”
Many thanks to all who helped make the day memorable, especially to Sybelle for the food.
The Afghan Twins
First Timers (Virgins):
Waldemar from Germany.
Jocelyn & Guy Hoareau from Reunion.
Jacky Pitot from Mauritius
Dominique Rosette from Quatre Bornes.
Michelle Gontran from Coromandel (Mauritius)
Second Timers:
Nine were counted but names were not taken.
Looking up
RA: Down, downs awarded to:-
“Strong on” for trying to compete with our official Hash Horn with his little, stubby thing.
“Lost Luggage” for not comming to any hashes for several months (his excuse that he was in Australia was not accepted). He took his punishment on ice.
“Blob” for getting up late and wearing his ‘T’ shirt back to front.
“SnowWhite & Fanchette for nicking beer at the beer stop which should have been reserved for men.
Sybille for some mysterious reason (maybe the GM decided that she needed a beer shampoo ?)
Oof – It’s better going down !
Special Down, down.
To the Hares for a great run in reat surroundings !
The GM “Barnacle Bill” & “Blob” for incest. They have discovered that they both have same ancestors. They presented themselves in fashionalble Afgan garb with only their eyes showing, as a sign of repentance.No beer was awarded as it would not be acceptable for Afgans to drink that horrible, decadent, Western rubbish.
On On !
Smelly toilet seat award:
Was not in evidence today. (Who is sitting on it ??)
Hash Line:
#351 on 2nd December (The Dodo run – Come and discover some dodo bones) – Alan “Strong On”
#352 on 16th December at 2 pm at MUG (Christmas Hash) – Jackie & Bob “J & B”: This will be a “Red dress run”
#353 on 30th December – Keith “Curly Top”
Food – line:
2nd December – Brenda & John
Directions to next Hash to be held at 10am on 2nd December 2001
THE DODO TRAIL (visiting historic sites, including Mare aux Songes)
Turn right at the last roundabout before the Airport towards Le Chaland and Shandrani Hotel. After 1 km turn right to Mon Tresor Sugar Estate. Drive to the Sugar Estate HQ, but do not turn right towards the Mill and Offices. Continue straight and follow the “Hash Signs”.
Looking West
Supreme Beings: | Tony “Barnacle Bill” Ward – |
Trailmaster: | Clarence Babet & Charlie Scrimgeour |
Cellarmaster: | Tony “Barnacle Bill” Ward |
Hash Horn: | “Blob” Latimer |
Religious Adv/Sex Councillor: | Eric “Hot-dog” Maard; deputy David “Shorty” Colbert |
Barbecue Bearer: | David “Shorty” Colbert |
Ice Maiden: | Peter “Long Zip” Attig |
Ha$h Ca$h: | Tom & Geeta “Tinkerbel” |
Drinks for Wimps ‘n Kids: | “Lord & Lady” Russell |
Hash Market: | Dave “Shorty” Colbert & Juliette “Snow White” |
Gamesmaster: | vacant |
Edit Hare and Webmaster: | Bob Russell assisted by volunteer’s |