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Mauritius Hash Trash 477

15-10-2006 Chemin Francais Chassé Gilbert F. Etienne & Mireille #477

Venue:: Hunting Lodge “Cerfs chemin Francais”     

Hare(s):Gilbert F, Etienne & Mireille

First Timers:Catherine, Vanessa, Mavis, Dieter, Mike Helen and Francois.
Second Timers:Cedric

A heartful thanks to Gilbert, Etienne and Mireille from our Grand Master.”It was lovely to see many people. Runners had a tough time to up and down the slopes but the scenery was fabulous” he added.

This sunday Alan our trail-master acted as R.A just for one time, until Ian takes over as our new religious and sex adviser. Anyway Alan enjoyed giving down-downs; if we had enough beers we would all go through. The four chosen were: Leslie, the only pure Scottish hasher among us (John said he was Scottish but in fact he had some italian blood), Barry for refusing the role of sex adviser ( he prefers to run around the circle looking for nice looking ladies), Tusha (for pushing her daughter Isabelle in the arms of Prince Edward during his last visit in Mauritius) and finally, Our Grand Master (for being a dog lover but this is a long story….).

Our G.M reminded us that no hash will be set as from the 17th of Dec to the 16th of Jan2007. Exceptionally, he shall set a hash at Bras-d’Eau on the 2nd of January. The Red Dress party will be held on the Sat 16th of Dec. Details will follow.

Thanks to Rose-Marie for the good food.The next hash will be done by Gilbert(Dodocop) at Pailles.

See u next sunday.

Your edit hare

littlejoe  Coming next …

                          Receding Hareline                             Advancing Foodline  

Date         Run No.      Hares                                                  Cooks    

29th Oct ... 478      .. Gilbert Dodocop               -  Pailles                Lisebeth (babette)

12 Nov .... 479     .. Gilbert, Etienne & Mireille   - Chassé Grand Bassin ("Kanaka") Sybille & Mireille

26 Nov .... 480     .. USA Academics (Thanksgiving) - University ?  Harold & Adrienne

10 Dec ... 481      .. Rey/Marie-Andrée             -  Bel Ombre               Philida

16 (Sat).. 482      .. Red Dress Christmas Run

-- 2007 --

2 Jan .. 483        .. Grand Master           -  Bras-d'Eau               

7 Jan .. 484      .. Barry and Jean  - Marie Jo Hay

14 Jan .. 485       .. Patrice -  

                          Trailmaster…….Alan (Tel. 675 0365 (H) or 790 9782 (M)

                          Deputy Trail Master…Dodocop 910 4062 (M) 

                          Kitchen Mistress ……. Marie Jo  (Tel. 4539675) 



1. There is an alternative “Sunset Hash” once every 4 weeks (arranged not to coincide with this Hash). Held at 4pm on Saturdays.

2. Would hashers please note that there is a deposit ( money ! ) on glass bottles (beer, softies). Please put them in the crates, do not leave them on the beach or with the rubbish (or even take them home).


Supreme Being: Martin Webb

Hare Line + Trailmaster: Alan "Strong on" Grihault 

Cellarmaster: Rob Swingler 

Hash Horn: Robert "Blob" Latimer 

Religious Advisor and  Sex Councillor : Ian

Barbecue Bearer: Dave "Shorty" Colbert 

Ice Maiden: Barry Bently 

Ha$h Ca$h: Edwina Swingler 

Drinks for Wimps 'n Kids: Philidia Ramiah 

Hash Market: Marie-Andrée 

Edit Hare: Henriette Decotter 

Stand-in: Marie-Claude or anyone who can write 

Web updating: "Hot pants" Rey  ( )

Web page design : Bob Russell ( ) 

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