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Mauritius Hash Trash 435

06-03-2005 Ilot Brocus Jacques Domaingne & Stuart #435

Venue: Ilot Brocus

Hares: Jacques Domaingne & ‘G.Ripper’

Excellent hash and a beautiful location.

GM (Leslie): Five first timers came forward –

Marie Regnard from Australia

Michael Watson from New Zealand

Desiré & David Stewart also from New Zealand

Martine from Germany

Fortunately for the GM there was a second timer –

Rick took his ‘down down’ in double quick time.

Our GM then announced that the next hash would include the elections for a number of hash positions in the ‘miss-management’ committee including that of GM and RA. Everyone should attend.

RA (Alan): Invited six hashers out for ‘down downs’ – he was in a good mood!

The GM called forward Perry adorned in the ‘Smelly Blue’ t-shirt who in turn presented in to Martin who will wear it at the next hash.

Thank you to Rosemary for some excellent food – even coffee was on offer as were fresh coconuts when we returned from our run – well done indeed. Also thanks to some other generous ladies who brought along cakes to go with our afternoon tea.

Idyllic location near the sea and with a river, fresh-water pools etc. It was such a pleasant venue that the hashers lingered on ‘until the pub had no beer’. In the end Jacques had to chase us all away before it got dark.

Hash scribe – Henriette

PS We have received an email from old timer, Paul “Crispin” Berriman Phhhd.

I have his email if anyone wishes to contact him. Bob

Alan’s Receding Hareline:
DateRun No.Hares   –   Area
20th March436Alan & Blob – (Inland, by request)
3rd April437David + James + Claire
17th April438Gilbert Dodocop
1st May439Clarence and Eric
15th May440Vacant
29th May441Vacant
12th June442Vacant
Phone: Trailmaster…….Alan – 675 0365 (H) or 790 9782 (M)
Sylvia’s Advancing Foodline:
DateRun No.Cooks
20th March436???
3rd April437David + James + Claire
17th April438Sylvia Houbert
1st May439Jackie R
15th May440Franchette, Maureen, Elisabeth
29th May441Fazilah
12th June442Vacant
Phone: Kitchen Mistress ……. Sylvia – 424 3639

Announcements: 1. Would hashers please note that there is a deposit (money) on glass bottles (beer, softies)! Please do not throw them away, leave them on the beach or with the rubbish (or even take them home). 2. Walks or cycle rides take place on most Sundays when there is no Hash. See the “Friendly walks” page for details.

Supreme Being:Leslie Nimmo
Hare Line + Trailmasters:Alan “Strong on” Grihault
Cellarmaster:Andy “The Hustler” Belfitt
Hash Horn:Robert “Blob” Latimer
Religious Adv/Sex Councillor:Tom “Decoy” Williams, deputy: Alan “Strong On” Grihault
Barbecue Bearer:Dave “Shorty” Colbert
Ice Maiden:Bob (for the time being)
Ha$h Ca$h:Claudia Carey
Drinks for Wimps ‘n Kids:Jean Ramiah
Hash Market:Juliette “Snow White” & David “Shorty” Colbert
Edit Hare:Tom “Decoy” Williams, Henriette, Marie-Claude, Bob
Webmaster:Bob Russell ( )
Website:  OR

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