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Mauritius Hash Trash 332

11-03-2001 Ferney Grand Port Etienne / J & B #332

The Hash as experienced by Geeta What a fantastic hash !! Set by Pat, Alan and Clarence in the village of ‘Camp Pecheur’ at the mouth of Grand Riviere Sud-Est. One could not have dreamt of a better location for a farewell hash. We started by the shore, then went inland, cutting across sugar cane fields and the village. When I as about to ‘get tired’, I was urged on by Pat who said that the best was still to come. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, I plodded on with all the ‘wimps’ following me. It was worth the effort as a boat had been organised to take us across the river’s mouth. The cool breeze was heavenly and our Barnacle Bill, in an ultimate effort to impress the female hashers, swam to the other bank. Once at the other side, the trail continued. We then all eagerly jumped back into the boat to be taken home. Things so far had been too good to be true, we all had to jump in the water and walk to the shore. I am surprised that the RA didn’t notice a certain gentleman who carried his ‘Cherie’s on his shoulders to avoid her wetting her delicate feet ! A big thank you to Angie and Garry for providing the hash nosh. Everybody went back for seconds. Note that all ‘downs downs’ were awarded in the water. Some standing up and others on their knees. The Hash Master awarded the first to the three hares for daring to set an excellent hash. Geeta was awarded a down down for complaining that the RA refused to walk to her to pay his dues. (male, chauvinists all of you !)

First Timers
Beverly (guest of Peter and Numsuk) who finished the hash and will come again. Eric and Marete (Hot Dog & Danish Pastry), old friends of Tony & Penny from Paris.

Second Timers
Steve Thacker. Poor Steve was christened ‘Sucker the Fucker’. Enough to drive him to drink !
Bruce and Elaine (The Flasher & Shagwell) back again on a visit from Moldova (you don’t know where that is ?  Shame on you, go and look it up at once !)

Punishment for sinners
Angus – for interfering with the hash trail markings.

Bruce, Elaine, Charlie & Charlotte – for arriving late and shortcutting to dissimulate their lateness.

Kevin M, Kevin Q and Angus – for running topless. Showing off your rippling muscles is not allowed during the run because frustrated females may distract you from your determined efforts to check out all the false trails.

Neil & David – for being gentlemen (or was there some other motive ?) in helping all the ladies into the boat.

David (Shorty) was then allowed to lead the choir in singing a new composition by our RA entitled “Let me piss” (Sung to the Beatles tune of “Let it be”) All hashers are requested to learn this little ditty for next hash. The New Smelly Toilet Seat Award

The seat had been damaged and Tony repaired it by gluing a ‘poo coil’ (what ever that is?) to it. Tony then awarded it to his ex-friend Angus.

Tony ‘Barnacle Bill’ was then awarded a down down for being sick while wearing the dreaded toilet seat. (At least he was sick in the toilet !)

Other matters

Eric awarded a T shirt to Hash Master ‘Blobus’ to remind him to bring along the new T shirts which he has been trying to organise for the last two years !

It was decided to increase the amount of the contributions to Rs 75 per adult (Rs 150 per couple, including children under 12 years), because we have been loosing money at every hash lately. This to come into force as from next hash.

Fond Farewells

All were sad to hear of the imminent departures of:

Pat and Alan

Neil and  Yvonne

Hope to see you all again soon ! On, on … Foodline

8th April – Charlie & Charlotte Hashline

8th April – Penny & Tony 22nd April – Sybille & Gilbert Next Hash – Directions 8th April. In Corson Tea Estate, Curepipe. Hares Tony & Penny
Take the ‘Sugar Road’ through Curepipe in Southern direction past Curepipe bus station, until you come to the last round-about beside Manhattan Centre (Curepipe Spar etc.). Turn left into Lees Street and proceed up to the end. Take care while parking because it is a bus turning point.

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